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Astronomy Day 2005

by Sandy Barta

I can't believe I ever doubted Sid ... The morning was rainy and the clouds promised more rain. Environment Canada didn't seem to be on our side (although the guys reported that the clear sky clock seemed optimistic). I didn't bother to bring my telescope.

Cloudy, rain-besotted Victoria experienced another CLEAR Astronomy Day!

A crowd of dedicated volunteers helped out at the Royal BC Museum (RBCM)  yesterday. Sid drew on volunteers from the NRC's Dominion Astrophysical Observatory (DAO)and Centre of the Universe, the University of Victoria, the Lester B. Pearson College of the Pacific, the Cowichan Valley Starfinders, Cedar Hill School, the RBCM and, of course, our own Centre.

bullet-Pal Virag orchestrated his multi-media presentation, "Expedition Mars-3D". Never turn down an opportunity to see one of his presentations.
bulletBryon Thompson enthralled kids (and adults) as the Wizard of the Stars.
bulletStephen Courtin had is "Ecliptic Calendar" and scale model Solar System set up outside.
bulletDavid and Joe set up a display of astrophotos and fielded questions on imaging.
bulletLauri and her assistant, Debbie, entertained and educated kids with a craft table. Each child who completed a question sheet was eligible for a draw for a telescope.
bullet-Blaire was busy with a dob set up inside the museum. He trained the telescope on an image of Saturn to duplicate the view you would see through a telescope.
bulletColin's table contained all the equipment and supplies for making a telescope mirror and he gave those interested a chance to "grind" a mirror or use a Foucault tester.
bulletThe Cowichan Valley Starfinders, Pearson College and Cedar Hill School set up tables and displays.
bulletUVic and the DAO supplied astronomers for the "Ask an Astronomer" table.
bulletUvic (Russ Robb) and Pearson College also joined some of our volunteers in front of the Museum with telescopes set up for solar viewing. The clouds parted when our day's activities started at 10:00 am and moved in for a brief while at 4:00 pm when we wrapped up at the Museum.
bulletthe Centre of the Universe ran several StarLab Planetarium shows throughout the day.
bulletScott and Brenda managed the volunteers during the day and manned the information desk.
bulletand, to top it all, I'm pretty sure it was clear for evening observing and entertainment at the Centre of the Universe (for the first time in years I missed all that because I had to tuck my llamas into bed - that's the LAST time Rick's going anywhere on Astronomy day).

Many, many thanks to all the volunteers who supported the above activities, who populated the information booth, and helped set up and take down. The final count of volunteers is still not in, but I'm sure there were over 75 volunteers.

And, many thanks to the RBCM and their employees who made it all possible.

Thanks Sid for arranging for and organizing another wonderful day.

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Last updated: January 29, 2014

The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada is dedicated to the promotion of astronomy and its related sciences; we espouse the scientific method, and support dissemination of discoveries and theories based on that well-tested method.

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